Davis and Son Tobacconists is located at 3807 Oleander Drive, moving into our store in 1999 near the Floral Parkway intersection. The store features two humidors; one walk-in, the other wall mounted. In addition to a large selection of pipes, cigars and tobacco, we carry smoking accessories including Xikar lighters and accessories.
My father, R. Jack Davis, always had a dream to build his own company...
After being an educator for nearly thirty years, this dream came true. In August of 1976 we opened the doors to our first store in Wilmington, NC. We were known as "Smokers Emporium" at that time.
I joined my father in 1979, and opened another store in Wilmington. After a few years we closed my store and consolidated both stores into a new, larger facility. We did this again in 1986, moving into a large 1500 square foot store totally dedicated to the pipe and cigar smoker.
It was at that time that we changed our name to "Davis and Son Tobacconsists." To present, we have extended our operations onto the web and enjoy serving a worldwide customer base.
~ Tim Davis